Monday, April 8, 2013

Hyacinths!! Gotta Love Them!! (April 8, 2013)

Hi everyone,

Well, I bought some beautiful hyacinth plants this weekend.  This is my favorite bulb plant as the blossom clusters are very fragrant and the flowers are magnificent!

I need to do some studying to see how to care for these bulbs in Louisiana during the non-blooming season.  My Amaryllis I just leave in the ground all year, but I don't know about these.

I can't wait to see how the unopened flowers look on the younger bulb plants!  Hopefully, they will open soon!


April 9, 2013:
The blooms started to open this morning and by this evening, they looked like this!   They are a solid color pink and that wonderful fragrance is starting to happen!    :).  :)

April 13, 2013:

Yesterday and today, the pink blossoms are fully opened and VERY fragrant!  The purple blossoms on the other bulbs have begun to shrink and are not fragrant anymore.  We will see how long the pink ones will last.  I have no idea how long the purple blossoms had been open when I bought these.

I did find some material on these bulbs on the LSU AgCenter website.  They are like tulips and in the months of November and December, they have to go in the refrigerator.  Which means that I will have to keep them in pots instead of in the ground near my amaryllis bulbs  :(

But then again, they should look spectacular in a nice flower pot.  :)

Please feel free to leave any comments or suggestions below in the comment box.  I love hearing from everyone!   :)  :)


  1. Hi Lee Ann ! I was looking for crocheted bolero and I saw your post with hyacinths . Beautiful flowers!I love them:). I have many of these in my garden already :) , in pink , white and purple color . As they are both delicate and tough are! Also are so resistant to low temperatures , even snow .
    I planted bulbs in the ground in my garden , 4 years ago and now they multiplied and simply pop up every spring and we just enjoy the fragrance and beauty .
    Hope you enjoy yours as much as possible ,
    All the best ,

    1. Hi Ada,
      Thanks for posting your comment about these bulbs. I have a lot of amaryllis bulbs in the garden and I never have to dig them up to prevent them from rotting. I also have Easter lilies in pots and I accidentally put one near these amaryllis...I am going go have red Easter lilies (it happened about 3 years ago).
      I am glad you mentioned you leave yours in the ground without problems; I was hoping to be able to do this. I am in south Louisiana and hopefully, they will do well in the ground all year.
      Thanks for visiting and for posting! :)

  2. Hope these flowers will bring fragrance not only to your garden but to your life...:)
    love them


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