Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Journey Of The Mint Sprig Garnish From A Local Restaurant

Greetings, everyone!

Earlier this year, I was prepared to go out and buy a mint plant for my yard.  I have been wanting some variety of mint for a long time now.

We visited a local restaurant tbis past April and I was pleasantly surprised to see a mint garnishment sprig on my iced tea glass.

Here are some photos I took of this little garnish sprig that otherwise would have gone in the trash can.
April 17,2012:

(the color is not a nice healthy green in these 2 pictures since it hasn't seen much sunlight)

Well, my first thought was that this little sprig of plant had been detached from the main plant for too long and it probably would not root.....coupled with the fact that it had been sitting is a bunch of ice at the top of my iced tea glass and was probably frozen somewhat.

A week later indoors on the windowsill:

(Still a yellowish-green color)

Time passed and here are some "progress pictures" of its growth.   :)

I have this contained to a large pot as it can be a very aggressive ground cover.  I would eventually like to get some other varieties of this herb plant.   It smells wonderful!

Happy minting!   :)
Lee Ann
Sent from my BlackBerry® PlayBook™


  1. What a cool idea! I would have never thought of saving garnish to plant.

  2. Wow, that's amazing! Did you just stick it in the dirt or did you put it in water to get some roots going first?

    1. I just very gently put it in some potting soil and kept it moist . I didn't know if it was going to root or not, but I'm glad it did. :)


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