Monday, February 20, 2012

Raised Rose Potholder

Raised Rose Potholder: "Raised Rose Potholder

...Adapted by Hazel Cooper"

I have not made this potholder and I do not know if it has any typos or not.

This website has long since disappeared from the 'Net and so I'm putting it here.  It is still cataloged in the Wayback Machine.   I hope that this is okay to do:

Raised Rose Potholder
...Adapted by Hazel Cooper #7 Steel Crochet Hook and # 10 Bedspread Weight Cotton White & Pink, or Ecru & Pink

Center Rose:
Rnd 1: Starting at center with pink, ch 6 sl st in first ch to form ring, ch 1, 16 sc in ring, join with sl st in first sc.(16 sc made)

Rnd 2: Ch 3 skip next st, (sc in next st, ch 3, skip next st) around, join with sl st in first ch of first ch 3.( 8 ch spaces).

Rnd 3: For petals, ch 1,(sc, hdc, 3 dc, hdc, sc) in each ch space around, do not join.

Rnd 4: Working behind petals into sc on rnd 2, sc in two back strands of first sc, ch 4, (sc in back strands of next sc ch 4) around, join with sl st in first sc.( 8 ch spaces).

Rnd 5: For petals, ch 1, (sc, hdc, 5dc, hdc, sc) in each ch space around, do not join.

Rnd 6: Working behind petals in sc on rnd 4, sc in back strands of next sc, ch 6, (sc in back strands of next sc, ch 6) around, join with sl st in first sc.

Rnd 7: For petals, ch 1,(sc, hdc, 9 dc, hdc, sc) in each ch space around, join and break off.

Rnd 8: Working behind petals, join white or ecru in sc on rnd 6, 4 ch, sc in next sc around, join in first sc, ( 8 ch spaces).

Rnd 9: Ch 3, dc in same space, ch 2, 2 dc in same space,( shell made) (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in next ch space), 2 times, shell in next sc, shell in next space, shell in next sc, shell in next space, 2 times, shell in next sc, shell in next space, shell in next sc, shell in next space times 2, ( 13 shells in round), join in 3rd ch of beginning ch 3.

Rnd 10: Sl st to ch 2 space, ch 3, 1 dc, ch 2, 2 dc in same space, (shell), repeat around for 13 shells. Join as before.

Rnd 11: Sl st to ch space, ch 3, 2 dc ch 2, 3 dc in each ch 2 space, around, join.

Rnd 12: Repeat rnd 11.

Rnd 13: Same as rnd 12 except do 4 dc, ch 3, 4 dc in each ch space, join as before and break off.

Rnd 14: Join pink with sc between shells, (10 dc in next ch 3 space, sc between shells), repeat around, join with sl st in first sc.

Rnd 15: Ch 1 sc in same st as joining, 2 dc in each st, sc in sc around, join as before and break off.

Rnd 16: Join white or ecru with sc in sc, *2 dc in next st, dc in next 2 sts, 2 dc in next st* repeat from * 5 times,(20 sts), 2 dc in next st, 1 dc in next st, 2 dc in next st, 1 dc in next, 2 dc in last st,(28 sts) sc in sc, around. Break off.

Open shell Back
Rnd 1: Ch 4, join with sl st to form ring, ch 1 8 sc in ring.

Rnd 2: Ch 5, dc in next st,(dc ch 2, dc in next st) repeat around. Join in 3rd ch of beginning ch 5.( 8 ch 2 spaces).

Rnd 3: Sl st to ch 2 space, ch 3, dc, ch 2, 2 dc in same space,* 2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc in next ch space*, repeat around, join in top of beg ch 3.

Rnd 4: Sl st to ch 2 space, ch 3, dc ch 2, 2 dc in same sp,* 2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc in space between shells 2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc in next shell* Repeat around skipping some spaces between shells and working in some so that you have 13 shells in round, join as before.

Rnd 5: Sl st to ch space and do 3 dc shell in each ch space around.

Rnd 6: repeat rnd 5. Rnd 7: Do 4 dc shell in each ch space around. Rounds 8, 9, 10 repeat rnd 14, 15, and 16 of front. Join break off. Holding wrong sides together join pink with sc and sc in each st around. Join and make hanging loop before breaking off.   (Ch 15 or 20 and join and sc around.)

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