Sunday, December 4, 2011

December 4, 2011: Pineapple Neck Warmers, Easy Lotus Scarves from Annie's Attic & Baby Bib for Niece

Hi everyone,

One really good thing about football season is that with back-to-back football games, I get a lot more crocheting done.  The thrill of the game keeps me in my chair so that I can crochet!

I worked up 2 more Pineapple Neck Warmers using a size H Clover hook.  One is red made with Lion Brand MicroSpun yarn (soooo soft!)

The pink one is made with Lion Brand Baby Soft yarn and a size H Clover hook.

Just for fun, I made up a Pineapple Neck Warmer with some Department 71 Perle Cotton size 8 thread and a Clover hook, size 4 (this is smaller than a size 4 US hook, by the way).  This was something I wanted to try just to do it:

I bought an electronic pattern from Annie's Attic this weekend called, Easy Lotus Scarves.  I love this pattern too and whipped up two of them with Lion Brand Baby Soft yarn and a Clover size H hook.

There is a laptop computer under there ..... somewhere!  LOL

And lastly, here is the baby bib I am making for my niece for a baby shower.  She's registered at and Babies R Us, but I figured that she won't be getting a thread crocheted baby bib and bootie set from either of these places.  So, I dug out my pattern and started one for her using Aunt Lydia's size 10 thread and a Tulip size 12, 1.0mm crochet hook:


  1. Hi, happy week, beautiful crafts, greetings and thanks for your visit and your comments.

  2. That's beautiful! A lot of crochet))=)


  3. That pineappple neck warmer is so beautiful, I just have to try it!

  4. Muy bonito todo, el cuello con las pinas y la bufanda gris preciosa y calentita, muy práctica, el babero par la nena un achulada, va a estar preciosa.
    un beso desde España.


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