Friday, November 11, 2011

Bobbles Scarf

Bobbles Scarf

How appropriate for the cool weather which arrived here a couple of days ago. Brrrrr!  This looks like it would work up fairly quickly.

This crochet stitch is commonly referred to as the Offset Bobbles or Clusters stitch and is a simple and easy scarf pattern for crochet beginners to make. The bobble or Cluster stitch mean that there are more than one stitch that are cluster together in a stitch or in the front or back of a double crochet stitch or sometimes referred to as a double crochet post. The pattern is worked in multiples of 7 stitches. The chain 2 stitch is counted as one double crochet stitch or dc stitch and also the turning chain. If you want a wider or longer scarf all you need to do is the extra math. For example, if you want a scarf that repeats the pattern 4 times, you must multiply. Thus, you’d have 4 repeat x 7 stitches will give you 28 stitches the total number of stitches to begin your scarf project

A bobbles stitch is worked sideways and consist of working a five dc cluster around the post of the next dc. For example, you will work a double crochet by bring the yarn over (yo) your hook and inserting the hook behind the post of the double crochet stitch and drawing up a loop then working a double crochet, without completing the last step of a double crochet stitch. Repeat the step 4 more times. After your first and second double crochet you will have 3 loops on your hook, after third dc you will have 4 loops, after 4 dc you will have 5 loops and after the fifth dc you will have 6 loops completed. Then yarn over and draw through all the loops on your hook.
Scarf Pattern
Foundation row: make a slip knot at the end of your yarn; place the knot on the shaft of your size E/4 (3.50mm) crochet hook and chain 21.
• Turn your garment and chain 2, dc across to end of row. Row one completed with 21 dc.
• Chain 2, skip the first dc, dc in the next stitch, skip next dc, chain 1, dc in the next stitch; work five dc stitches around post of dc stitch just made, skip 1 dc, chain one and work 3 dc, repeat across row ending with skip 1 dc, chain one stitch, work one dc in next stitch, work one dc in the turning chain. Row two completed.
• Turn your garment and chain 2. Skip the first double crochet stitch, work dc across ending with a dc in the turning chain. Row three completed.
• Repeat rows one and two until you reach your desired length for you scarf.
• Work 1 row of dc across row. Fasten off. Row four completed.
Scarf Fringe
• Join with a slip stitch (ss or sl) in the first chain of your foundation row with right side (rs) facing. Chain 1 and work a single crochet in same chain as joining and in each chain across row to the end of row. Turn. Row one completed.
• Work a slip stitch in the first sc. Then chain 24 stitches, work a slip stitch in the next sc, chain 24 stitches repeat across to end of row ending with a slip stitch in the last sc stitch. Fasten off and weave in all loose yarn Row two completed.
• Repeat rows one and two on the other side of your scarf to complete your bobbles or clusters scarf. Fasten off.

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