Thursday, March 26, 2015

Quick loading method for a Knifty Knitter or other handheld loom

Quick loading method for a Knifty Knitter or other handheld loom, March 25, 2015

I find it extremely awkward to load a handheld knitting loom the traditional way, that is, wrapping each peg by holding the yarn with your fingers.   It was slow - going and my tension always turns out too tight!   Examples of these handheld looms include The Knifty Knitter brand.    There are other brands too in which this method would work.

All you need is a pair of scissors, a narrow drinking straw and some scotch tape. I find the shiny tape works smoother with the yarn.

NOTE:   a straw from McDonald's is a little too big but it will work.    A coffee stirrer straw would be too thin to for your yarn.

I have a video below which explains and demonstrates this technique or method.   I cut my straw in half and then I reinforce the straw by wrapping it in tape.    This makes the straw less prone to bend and adds a little rigidity to it.

Then, thread your yarn through the straw and fasten the yarn with a slip knot to the outside peg to secure it to the loom.

Then doing E-Wrap stitches, simply go around the pegs by holding the straw!    It will be easier to understand if you view the video.

This straw method cuts the time it takes to load the loom by more than half...if not more.     This makes it so fast to get the yarn on so you can get back to knitting that row!     Basically, it speeds up your project time so you can make more!

Enjoy the video and thank you for watching!

Please leave me a comment as I would love to hear from you!

The direct link to my video is:

Please be sure to subscribe to my youtube channel also!    :).   Thank you.


  1. I've never tried one of these hoops, but now you have me intrigued.

    1. They are a lot of fun to use. It's the only way I know how to knit and so far, all I know is the e-wrap stitch. I'm a newbie loom knitter.
      Good luck if you decide to give it a go! :)


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